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Women's Empowerment Conference in Pakistan

The devastation from the recent flooding in Pakistan has left millions of people displaced and without life’s basic necessities: food, water, and shelter. Now that the country

has entered winter, they face a new and daunting challenge of surviving without these necessities in near-freezing temperatures. For this reason, Feed the Hungry Tribes Pakistan is organizing a women’s conference to minister to the physical, emotional, and

spiritual needs of this desperate people group.


The goal of the conference (in February) will be to encourage women through prayer and Bible study, to teach them basic hygiene and disease prevention, and to distribute

funds for food, tents, and other essential items to help meet their families’ physical needs. Please pray that this conference would be effective in reaching these women for Christ and giving them hope. Please also consider giving a donation to help in a tangible

way. Even a small amount can provide one family with food, water, and shelter. You may donate online at

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